Elementary School Pode Vsi
Type: open competition
Typology: elementary school for up to 540 children
Location: Pode Vsi, Czech Republic
Cooperation: EGKK Landschaftsarchitektur
Year: 2022

The first grade is oriented around a large inner courtyard – a microcosm for the youngest children. Spacious corridors, which can be used for educational purposes and for rest, open outwards and turn the space into a large educational landscape.

The diverse functions and uses are reflected in the design of the building. The three buildings combine to form one school. An entrance building with a foyer, cafeteria and gymnasium on the first floor – a building for first grade and afternoon care, and a building for special education such as music or art with a second grade on the first floor. The architectural design is based on the specific typological requirements of each of the buildings, creating a strong whole.